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Elementary Math Printable Resources

Elementary Resources to Print

Links verified on 8/31/2016

  1. 1st Grade Math Printables - Grade specific topics supporting the CCSS.
  2. 2nd Grade Math Printables - Grade specific topics supporting the CCSS.
  3. 3rd Grade Math Printables - Grade specific topics supporting the CCSS.
  4. 4th Grade Math Printables - Grade specific topics supporting the CCSS.
  5. 5th Grade Math Printables - Grade specific topics supporting the CCSS.
  6. Blank Math Printables - decimal squares, number lines, and place value tables
  7. Davitily Math Problem Generator - add a title then select Create Document, select add problems to select from four areas (use Basic math for elementary math topics), select from more specific menus, add the number of problems you want then select the gray Back to button to see a printable document. [online test not available in this free version].
  8. EdHelper.com offers a wide range of fraction worksheets. Each time you request a worksheet an entirely new set of problems is generated.
  9. Fact Family Cards - Create your own practice sets of Fact Family Cards.
  10. Fraction Worksheet Generator - create random fraction worksheets for practice
  11. Graph Paper to Use With Your Smartboard! - You can print out a variety of graph paper or just open up the PDF file and use it on your Smartboard!
  12. Mathematics Problem Solving worksheets - [designed for grades 4 & 5] mathematics problem solving worksheets - They are most appropriate for grades four and five, but many are designed to be challenging and informative to older and more advanced students as well
  13. Math Slice - Many activities in all areas of Math; worksheets can be found from the left side index
  14. Printable Math Worksheets - Many activities in all areas of Math
  15. Number Lines - printable number lines to help with math
  16. Telling Time by Drawing Hands on a Clock Face - Select time intervals and print a worksheet
  17. Worksheet Generators - Create your own custom worksheets for math from this list at our Teacher Tools area.



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